Saturday, 6 September 2014

How the Gap Year Blog came about

I do like a fundamental change in my life every now and then and it seems to happen every fifteen to twenty years. I left school at the age of fifteen to start a career in the hotel industry. I left the hotel industry after seventeen years to start in software development. Now I quit my job with HP after nineteen years and have no idea yet what I will do for the next fifteen before my retirement.

This last change was brought about by my wife deciding to do her own thing and give me back my freedom. I lived in England because of her, so when the marriage came to an end I decided to finally take the gap year that I never had after school and migrate to Australia for the third time. My plan is to first travel around the country and then settle down in the Snowy Mountains, where I lived twenty years ago when I emigrated from Switzerland to Australia for the first time and which I ever since considered my spiritual home.

Whenever I speak to people about my plans, they ask me to keep them up to date with my travels and how the next phase of my life shapes up. This is why I decided to start this very public blog, so that I don't miss anybody with my updates.


  1. Good luck Urs and safe travels! I look forward to reading of your advertures :) Gwen

  2. When/if you get to Tassie give me a call (0408 220 300) - can provide a drinking buddy for an evening or a bed if you need a place to stay.
